About Heritage Home Farmstead

Hello and welcome!

I’m Amanda. Wife. Mom. Coffee drinker.

And I’m Megan. Daughter. Sister. Sweet potato chip cruncher.

This is our “home”style blog. Yes, you read that right! Not lifestyle – HOMEstyle – because a beautiful life begins right at home.

We are a mother and daughter who believe heritage homes need to be revived! And our desire is to equip families to once again value biblical foundations, prepare real, yummy and nourishing food, enjoy the beauty of God’s creation, and cultivate simple, quiet lives. Each family has been given such a sacred gift by God to cultivate a family untethered by the worlds standards. We hope these posts we share inspire you to revive and build a heritage home with each of your unique families.

So sit down on the porch, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy stories from the farm, recipes our family loves, coffee chats with open bibles, and some of our favorite things that bring us simple joy.

Fun facts about Heritage Home Farmstead:

  • We’re a Mother/Daughter team who loves to nourish our guy’s *constant* hunger. Often found in the kitchen together- one of us cooks and the other does the dishes. What great teamwork!

  • You will find many recipes here that are passed down from Amanda’s mom, Barbara (Megan’s Grandma) who often told Amanda she should one day write a book. Well Grandma- in a way we’re doing what you dreamed of!
  • Coffee is always on here, if you haven’t noticed already. We love our daily evening coffee chats where the family comes together to discuss the day. If the weather is nice, coffee is always enjoyed on the porch!

  • After purchasing 20 acres together a few years ago, our families have dreams of multi generations living on the same land, building our families, raising/growing our food, and enjoying the many blessings of a simple, quiet life.
  • Amanda is a big city transplant who now cannot imagine ever living in all the rush and busyness. She loves to joke that she’s the one who “started all this” way back in her duplex garden. She’s passionate about her husband and children and their physical and more importantly spiritual health. She can often be found praying for them, making them yummy treats, sending them goofy text messages, drinking coffee, and doing laundry…lots of laundry!

  • Megan, the resident gardener, has big homesteading dreams that often have to be wrangled in. For now she grows 400 (literally) onions every year, massive zinnia gardens, LOTS of cabbages (hello sauerkraut), is passionate about the soil microbiome, and is very excited to launch this year into the world of chickens for all things eggs, pasture health, and downright enjoyment.
  • We are Christians- believers in Jesus Christ. Saved by the riches of His grace, through faith. We desire all that we do be to the praise of His glory through the power of His Holy Spirit working through us!
  • While you may never see our faces on this blog or on social media, we hope that the content stirs in you a desire to build your family on the Foundation that lasts, to live a simpler and quieter life, to enjoy nourishing meals, and to be encouraged as we share our home with yours!
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Coffee Chats

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Stories on the Farm

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Yummy REcipes

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