About Heritage Home Farmstead

Hello and welcome! I’m Amanda. Wife. Mom. Coffee drinker.

This is our “home”style blog. Yes, you read that right! Not lifestyle – HOMEstyle – because a beautiful life begins right at home.

We believe heritage homes need to be revived! And our desire is to equip families to once again value biblical foundations, prepare real, yummy and nourishing food, enjoy the beauty of God’s creation, and cultivate simple, quiet lives. Each family has been given such a sacred gift by God to cultivate a family untethered by the worlds standards. We hope these posts we share inspire you to revive and build a heritage home with each of your unique families.

So sit down on the porch, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy stories from the farm, recipes our family loves, coffee chats with open bibles, and some of our favorite things that bring us simple joy.

Fun facts about Heritage Home Farmstead:

Coffee Chats

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Stories on the Farm

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Yummy REcipes

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